October 12, 2023 7:30pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.
Meet your presenters for October’s Nerd Nite:
Robert “Lem” Lemery

A Pint Glass of Lies: Dispelling Untruths about Beer and Brewing
Oktoberfest is upon us! Millenia of translation and centuries of clever marketing are responsible for many untruths in the beer and brewing world. Together we will investigate the lies and uncover the truth. We will also touch on some strange-but-true factoids about everyone’s favorite beverage.
Lem has been a professional brewer since 2010. He has developed recipes and operating procedures for top-10 national craft brewery, Brooklyn Brewery, and Asheville’s most-visited brewpub, Wicked Weed. He opened his own taproom brewery in May of 2023. www.theradbrewco.com ig: @theradbrewco facebook.com/theRADbrewco
Knox Petrucci

A Seasonal Tale of Honey Bee Foragers
Are you ever curious about what a honey bee does during her day? What excitement awaits her the moment the sun rises until she rests her tiny head on her waxed comb pillow at night? We will discuss the many adventures that await a honey bee forager throughout the year. Focusing primarily on specific pollinator plants that attract honey bees throughout the seasons; we will explore the very short, yet full life of a Western Honey Bee living in Western North Carolina. Beeware! Bee puns await.
Knox (he/him) is the hive and store manager at Honey & the Hive in Weaverville, NC. Knox is the steward of the store apiary and is responsible for inspecting over 300 deep nucleus colonies in the early spring. He has been keeping bees for over 4 years. Beyond being found huddled over observing honey bees or collecting honey; Knox enjoys opening portals with his small collection of jaw harps and loves writing music on guitar and mandolin. IG:@honeyandthehivenc
Christian MacLeod

The Cryptid and Paranormal history of Asheville
Don’t let the gorgeous scenery fool you. Asheville is darker and more mysterious than you can imagine. Join the lead investigator of the American Cryptid and Paranormal Society to learn the secrets of this haunted city’s history.
Christian MacLeod, Director and Lead Investigator of the A.C.A.P.S., has over twenty-five years of experience investigating Cryptid and Paranormal activities and other legends: the Occult, UFO’s, Forbidden Archeology, The Freemasons, The Knights Templar, secret societies and many other governmental cover-up allegations and paranormal conspiracy theories, and a passion for studying and preserving Native American Tribe culture. Christian holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and minor in Criminology from the University of South Florida, and an advanced Masters of Arts and Teaching degree from Western Carolina University. He is currently finishing a second Master’s Degree in American History from Western Carolina University and plans to continue into a PhD program.
With your host and Nerd Nite Asheville Boss, Von!

This month’s mini-feature: The 5 Best and 5 Worst Aliens of Star Trek
Ah, Star Trek. It has boldly gone where no one has gone before for over 60 years, and in that time we have seen a *lot* of aliens. Some wondrous, some confusing, and some just downright goofy. See Von’s top picks for the 5 best and 5 worst alien costumes in the Star Trek canon.
Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.
Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)