Asheville was chosen to be the destination of the 2024 Nerd Nite Boss retreat, and so we will be hosting 20 bosses from other Nerd Nite cities! Our September show will be a Boss-stravaganza on a Saturday night, instead of our usual Thursday show.
Saturday, September 28th, 2024. Doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.
Pre-sale tickets $10, door $15 (cash preferred, Venmo etc. available). Get your pre-sale tickets here: https://events.humanitix.com/nerd-nite-asheville-september-boss-stravaganza
Meet your presenters for the Boss-stravaganza:
Von Barnes

Farming without a Farm
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a stark reality: we cannot solely rely on the government to come to our rescue in times of crisis, especially when it comes to food. This realization has sparked a growing need for self-sufficiency. In urban environments, it may be challenging to envision agricultural possibilities, especially when we’re far removed from traditional food production. However, there is hope. This presentation will explore various ways you can become a farmer, even without access to a conventional farm.
Von Barnes (@FarmerVonSaid) is the founder of Kentuckiana Backyard Farms (@KentuckianaBF), a micro urban demonstration farm in the Louisville metro area. On that farm he has managed goat, chicken, duck, quail, rabbit, and BSF (black soldier flies). He serves on the steering committee for Food In Neighborhoods, a city network that has been doing food justice work. He is one of the co-leads for Louisville Urban League Project Kilimo. Most notably was the Ted Talk that was presented in early 2023 on solving food insecurity in Kentucky with micro gardens.
He earned his B.S. in Mass Communication from the University of South Florida., and plans to enroll in a master program in agriculture.
Cat Aboudara

The Rabble Rousing Mary Dyer
Cat was gobsmacked when she came across Winona Ryder portraying her ancestor Mary Dyer on Drunk History. But of course, there were creative licenses taken in the portrayal. Let’s untangle fact from fiction while enjoying the poetic comedy that is Drunk History. Hopefully, you’ll understand after this talk why Mary Dyer has statues erected in her honor at the Boston Commons and downtown Philly: because she is a beloved, bad-ass boss bitch.
Cat Aboudara has overseen adult programs that posit learning through play for over two decades in museums and science centers across the country and has had such fun working with scientists, astronauts, inventors, octopi, jungle cats, comedians, and robots. She also moonlighted as the Nerd Nite DC Boss even though she had to trek down from Philly for over a year to do it! She has retired from bossing in DC (and the commute) and is now full-time at an Arts + Culture CoWorking Hub in Philly.
Matt Wasowski

Weird and Potentially Breakable World Records
While none of you can grow the world’s longest fingernails in the next few days or become the shortest living adult, there are actually a few recent world records that are potentially within reach. And also plenty of weirdo ones as well. Enjoy a quick overview of some of the strangest world records set over the last couple of years and take a crack at breaking two of them. Note: your butt may be needed.
Matt is the Big Boss of Nerd Nite and is genuinely surprised, albeit pleasantly, that it has remained a thing for 21 years.

With very special guest Extra Lives

Extra Lives is the world’s first Audience RPG: a fully narrated, inclusive choose-your-own-adventure game where you are the main character. Plunge into an exciting story with visuals, music, sound effects and footage drawn from the legendary console games of the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s… and a live score provided by the lovable nerds of Extra Lives. At key junctures you’ll get to vote on how the character proceeds, leading to special story branches. With multiple endings and 60+ possible variations depending on the audience’s in-game choices, this immersive feast for the imagination will transport you back to your childhood. To the next level!
Michael Kohl is a touring musician, root beer enthusiast and bonafide Nerd Nite fanboy from Milwaukee. Last week he gave his first-ever Nerd Nite talk–a highly researched defense of the common street pigeon–in Los Angeles, CA. Tonight Michael will run a solo version of Extra Lives, an interactive video game concert experience that collaborates with Nerd Nite chapters around the world. IG: @michaelmaxkohl @extralivesmusic extralives.band https://vimeo.com/826516705
And your host, Von

Von (they/them) is a local performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.
Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)