A Bee’s Life, Watching Plants from Space, and the Culture of Moana: Nerd Nite May!

May 9th, 2024 doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

Pre-sale tickets $10, door $15 (cash preferred, Venmo etc. available). Get your pre-sale tickets here: https://events.humanitix.com/nerd-nite-asheville-may

Meet your presenters for May’s Nerd Nite:

Knox Petrucci

A Seasonal Tale of Honey Bee Foragers

Are you ever curious about what a honey bee does during her day? What excitement awaits her the moment the sun rises until she rests her tiny head on her waxed comb pillow at night? We will discuss the many adventures that await a honey bee forager throughout the year. Focusing primarily on specific pollinator plants that attract honey bees throughout the seasons; we will explore the very short, yet full life of a Western Honey Bee living in Western North Carolina. Beeware! Bee puns await.

Knox (he/him) is the hive and store manager at Honey & the Hive in Weaverville, NC. Knox is the steward of the store apiary and is responsible for inspecting over 300 deep nucleus colonies in the early spring. He has been keeping bees for over 4 years. Beyond being found huddled over observing honey bees or collecting honey, Knox enjoys opening portals with his small collection of jaw harps and loves writing music on guitar and mandolin. IG: @honeyandthehivenc

Douglas Yuhan Rao

Help wanted! Seeing Plant Stress from the Sky

Have you used Google Maps to plan for your hiking trips in the mountains? Then you have used satellite data! With satellite data from more than five decades, we can monitor the stress signals sent by plants caused by drought and human activities like logging. Come learn how we can use satellite data (including some spy satellite data too) to intervene to support ecosystem health!

Douglas is a research scientist with the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. His education in applied mathematics, statistics, and cartography (aka how to make maps) earns him major nerd bragging rights. His daytime job mostly involves (sometimes boring) virtual meetings and exciting computer programming. When he is not working, he enjoys good beer, fun hikes, relaxing birding, and delicious food!


Cultural References in Disney’s Moana

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month! At this panel, Tavi will play and pause scenes and clips from Disney’s Moana, explaining the cultural aspects and inspirations of the film. Explanations include demonstrations of dance, playing of drums and other instruments, and presenting of various costumes and implements. What culture does Moana’s costume come from? What dances are they performing in their village? What are all the legends that Maui refers to during his song? All these questions and more will be answered at Cultural References in Disney’s Moana. And as a special bonus, Tavi will be performing the Siva Afi fire dance after the show!

Raised in Western North Carolina, Tavi didn’t learn of his Māori Heritage until he was 17. This discovery led him to the decision to move to Hawaii to go to school and learn of his culture. In 2015, Tavi started training, dancing and performing at the Polynesian Cultural Center. His extensive training included multiple Pacific Cultures such as Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, Aotearoa (New Zealand, the home of the Māori) and the Siva Afi (Samoan Fire Dance.) While performing at the PCC at night, Tavi attended Brigham Young University – Hawaii where he received a Degree in Mathematics and a minor in Pacific Island Studies. He now lives in Asheville, NC and continues to perform and train all over the South including; North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia under the name ‘NCFireknife’. He also volunteers his time during Asian American and Pacific Island Heritage Month to present at various Public Schools and teach Students about Pacific Culture. IG: @tavi.does.stuff

With your host, Von

Von’s Star Trek mini feature:


Did you know that J.J. Abrams, director of the Star Trek reboot movies of the 2010s, proudly proclaimed on the interview circuit that he never liked Star Trek? Well, it showed. The reboot movies had very little Star Trek in them for actual fans to enjoy. By contrast, Lower Decks is Star Trek written by fans and made for fans. But it’s so much more than fan service. It is a comedic love letter to the entire breadth of the franchise (except those reboot movies), full of callbacks and inside jokes paying homage to 60 years of Star Trek history along with new storylines and characters, and it’s being cancelled. Paramount also cancelled its other animated series, Prodigy, but it was rescued by demand from the fans. We’re hoping to do the same for this animated comedic masterpiece. LOWER DECKS! LOWER DECKS! LOWER DECKS!

Von (they/them) is a local performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us May 9th, doors 6pm show 7pm sharp at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Presale tickets $10, door $15, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

3D Printed Costumes, Rascally Raccoons, and NOAA in Asheville: Nerd Nite April!

April 11th, 2024 doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.


We are thrilled that our shows have started reaching capacity! This means that we now need to know how many people will be attending, and to do that, we need pre-sale tickets.

Pre-sale tickets will still be $10 (plus obnoxious but non optional ticketing fee of $1.83), but the door cover will be increasing to $15. So save money and guarantee entry* by getting your tickets at: https://events.humanitix.com/nerd-nite-asheville-april

(*Please arrive before the show begins. Late arrivals may be standing room only.)

I hate ticketing fees with a passion. Last month, I tried to absorb the ticketing fees for our pre-sale tickets, thinking we would make up for those fees with the increased door cover. Well, we sold out the pre-sale tickets, which is awesome! Thank you! It also meant that absorbing the fees cost nearly 20% of our revenue. So unfortunately, absorbing the ticket fees is not sustainable. The silver lining is that Humantix donates the profit from their fees to charity. So, ticket fees still suck, but at least it’s not Ticketmaster.

Meet your presenters for April’s Nerd Nite:

Tavi Does Stuff

How to Become a Mandalorian with 3D Printing

Learn the basics of 3D printing and what it takes to make a Mandalorian Cosplay! Does making a Mandalorian Cosplay seem intimidating? Don’t worry! Tavi is here to help! With enough filament, anyone can take the Creed!

My name is Tavi, and I like to do Stuff!! Top favorite things to include Polynesian and Fire Performance and 3D Printed Cosplay! Tavi is an Award Winning Cosplayer, loves Star Wars and is an Ally AF! “Love is Love, This is the Way!”

IG: @tavi.does.stuff Etsy: TaviTaonga

Sarah Daniels

Raccoon Shenanigans

Hate ’em in your trash, but love ’em in your internet videos, raccoons are legendary for their hijinks. Sarah will take you through some of what we know about raccoon intelligence and behavior, interesting findings from her Master’s research on raccoon problem solving, and (of course) show you cute pics/videos of those wily trash pandas.

Sarah is a psychology enthusiast. After studying psychology in undergrad, she worked as a research assistant in a cognitive aging lab. While working there, she found the incredible world of animal cognition and animal behavior. Pivoting from humans to animals for a while was a fun and rewarding interlude. She studied zoology, specifically animal behavior, at the University of Wyoming where she worked with raccoons to earn her MS. While in WY, she also worked in the University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates, preserving specimens for long term scientific study. When she realized academia was not for her, she took another pivot back to the human side of things, and now works at Headspace providing guidance and content for mental health coaching. In addition to these nerdy pursuits, she also loves Neil Gaiman, witchy shit, and board games.

Jared Rennie

What NOAA is Doing in Asheville

Ever wonder what’s going on in that federal building in downtown Asheville? You see the NOAA logo, but don’t know why NOAA is here, or maybe even what NOAA stands for (it’s either National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or Nerdy Order who Annunciate Allamaraine). It may come as a surprise that we are the world’s largest archive of environmental data, from the bottom of the ocean floor to the surface of the sun. Come learn more about the types of data we have, what we do with it, and how hope is not all lost in the climate crisis.

Jared Rennie (he/him) is a research meteorologist for NOAA who sits on a treasure trove of data. Originally from Boston, he moved to Asheville in 2010 to perform climate research, primarily focusing on heat waves. Recently, he has shifted efforts towards science communication, bridging the gap between climate extremes and vulnerable communities. Threads: @jjrenniewx BlueSky/Twitter: @jjrennie

With your host, Von

Von’s Star Trek mini feature: Plot or Not

Star Trek has explored some of the most profound questions imaginable: What does it mean to be a person? Is it ethical to intervene in other cultures’ wars? Can diplomacy conquer all, or is violence an inevitability?

It also had a bunch of wacky shit that you probably wouldn’t believe if you haven’t seen it. This month, Von will present a series of hilarious premises and ask, is this a real Star Trek plot or not?

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us April 11th, doors 6pm show time 7pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Pre-sale tickets $10 (plus stupid ticket fees ugh), door $15. 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

The Love Hormone, Photoshop Fails, and Bootleggin’ Ladies: Nerd Nite Asheville March!

March 14th, 2024 doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.


We are thrilled that our shows have started reaching capacity! This means that we now need to know how many people will be attending, and to do that, we need pre-sale tickets.

Pre-sale tickets will still be $10, but the door cover will be increasing to $15. So save money and guarantee entry* by getting your tickets at: https://events.humanitix.com/nerdniteavl-march2024

(*Please arrive before the show begins. Late arrivals may be standing room only.)

Meet your presenters for March’s Nerd Nite:

Paulina Schau

The Power of Oxytocin

You might know that the “love hormone” can play a part in making babies, but do you know about its role in getting babies out? From labor contractions, to lactation, to “amnesia” of childbirth pains, and more! We’ll go into just a few of these during our time together, but you’ll leave with a new appreciation and understanding of the power of oxytocin!

Paulina Schau (they/them) is a Certified Full-Spectrum Doula, a Perinatal Yoga Teacher, and an all around birth nerd. They’re passionate about supporting and empowering all Asheville-area families through the journey of pregnancy and birth. They also have a special interest in supporting queer and trans parents as well as families beyond the binary. IG: @anam.cara.birth.wellness Web: www.anamcarabirthandwellness.com

Bethany Perron

Bad Photoshop 101

Have you ever looked at a photo and thought something just seems “off”? Most people can recognize when a bunch of images are poorly composited in Photoshop, but what about the uncanny valley, where something looks wrong but you’re not sure what? Come learn some tell-tale signs that a photo has been altered. Using real images found in the wild, we’ll talk about what the perps did wrong, and how to fix the problems. You’ll never look at skies the same way!

Bethany (she/her) has spent the past few decades studying photography and Photoshop, and currently blends the two to create fantasy portraiture. Her work has been published extensively in Living the Photo Artistic Life magazine, and has been shown in galleries in North Carolina. She recently completed a year-long road trip around the country, couchsurfing with strangers and making fantasy portraits of them. Her book recounting the adventure is due out this year. IG: @bethanyperronfineart

Katherine Cutshall

The Bootlegging Ladies of Asheville

When most people think about a moonshiner, an image of a gangly, bearded man in overalls smoking a corncob pipe might come to mind. But the fact of the matter is a large number of women were involved in the bootlegging business, too. Far from the gangly mountaineer featured on the Mountain Dew can, these badass business women worked hard to support their families and communities. This presentation is one part true crime, one part true love, all Moonshine. Chug-a-lug!

Katherine is an aggressively enthusiastic public historian and Asheville native (Yes! We exist!) currently managing the Buncombe County Special Collections library in Downtown Asheville. Almost nothing brings her more joy than engaging folks with the past and helping them to realize that history is more than dates and “important people” – it’s the foundation of our collective memory and a roadmap for our future. IG: @yunz.are.sumthinelse ; @AVLHistory Web: Specialcollections.buncombecounty.org

With your host, Von

Von’s Star Trek mini feature: Ferengi or Alpha Bro

There’s a race in the Star Trek universe historically known for their misogyny, treachery, and unapologetic avarice: humans. There’s also the Ferengi, a race of goofy aliens who hold the same outdated values as the average alpha male podcaster. Can you tell them apart? Find out in this hilarious mini-game!

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us March 14th, doors 6pm show time 7pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Pre-sale tickets $10, door $15. 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Detecting Nukes, Batman Science Fails, and Exotic Piercings: Nerd Nite February!

February 8th, 2024 doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

Meet your presenters for February’s Nerd Nite:

Isaac Khaneles

GPS, and How Space Clocks Detect Nukes

GPS is a space-based service that is used by billions of people around the world for positioning, navigation, and timing. We will be learning about the beauty of how this infrastructure works, and discussing one of its lesser known features — detecting NUDETS (Nuclear Detonations).

Isaac is your typical “weird” Asheville resident, with a career and passion in the space industry. After five years of working as a Systems Engineer on the next generation of GPS ground control, he started a space industry engineering recruitment firm — finding niche people to work on special projects. Find him out and about in town, or on the trails.

Dr. Rider Barnum

Science Fails of The Dark Knight Trilogy

Whether you loved the comics or the movies, Batman is a classic superhero. And the Dark Knight trilogy was a brilliant piece of cinema history… with some TERRIBLE science moments! From microwave death rays to impossible physics and even fusion reactors, grab a seat and nerd out as we break down some visually amazing yet horribly inaccurate “cinema science” that has been living rent-free in my brain since the mid-2000’s.

Rider Barnum holds a PhD in Chemistry as well as a BA in Theatre Arts. Originally from north Louisiana, he currently lives in northeast Tennessee with his wife and daughter. Professionally he has been an industrial research and development chemist for over ten years. In his spare time he enjoys doing science demonstrations for education outreach ever since grad school, as well as performing in community theatre productions. He is excited to be collaborating with Nerd Nite as part of spreading interest in STEM to a wide range of audiences in a way that is WAY more fun than your average class in school. IG: @DramaticChemist

G. Inez Figueroa

Piercing and Pleasure

Tired of partners not hittin’ your spot? Yearning for bedazzled privates? Or maybe you’ve always been curious about why people would ever pierce their junk in the first place! This is your opportunity to find out all the deets! Inez will take you on a safari of all the intimate piercings, their functions in pleasure, and some funny stories from the piercing room. No piercings required to attend.

Inez (They/Them) is a professional piercer and member of the Association of Professional Piercers) with a background in anatomy and kinesiology. With an ambition to provide a safe space for all walks of life, they found their passion in piercing. Inez aspires to always place autonomy back into the client’s hands. Ready to adorn your body and soul? They are here to help. IG: @inezwithsharps https://linktr.ee/inezwithsharps

With your host, Von

Von’s Star Trek mini feature: “That’s Why I’m a Trekkie”: Star Trek’s Wokest Moments

After denouncing Star Wars for being “too woke and feminist”, Fox News personality Emily Compagno flashed a backwards Vulcan salute and proudly proclaimed, “That’s why I’m a Trekkie.” Actual Star Trek fans found this hilarious, considering that Star Trek broke some of media’s “wokest” barriers decades ago. Learn about some of these great moments while laughing at Fox News’s ongoing absurdity in this month’s mini-feature.

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us February 8th, doors 6pm show time 7pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Ocean Critters, Archery, and Telescope Lenses: Nerd Nite January!

January 11th, 2024 doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

We have changed the start time for our events! The show will start at 7pm sharp. Early arrival recommended.

Meet your presenters for January’s Nerd Nite:

Sara Rivera

Life on the Ocean’s Surface

We know that the ocean hides secrets deep in its depths, but how much do we know about the creatures living on the ocean’s surface, on the precarious border between water and air? Join us as we learn about snails that build bubble rafts, barnacles with buoys, blue dragons that eat vicious man o’ war jellyfish, and other wild creatures that live in this unique habitat. How do they survive in this strange, upside down world? How are they affected by efforts to clean up ocean plastic? And how do they relate to Roman fashion choices?

Sara Rivera (they/she) is a Masters student at Western Carolina University studying tropical fireflies. Out of the lab, they perform nerdy drag as Rubella Werk (@rubela.werk) and Syd Phyllis (@syd.phyllis). They also have a science communication organization called THEM in STEM (@them.instem) with Science Storytimes and local firefly walks in Sylva.

Cris Bettis

The Archer’s Paradox

The Archer’s Paradox is a mesmerizing blend of physics and skill that archers navigate to hit their targets. We’ll talk about bows, arrows and all the funky things the arrows do when they are let loose.

Cris is a lifelong nerd, computer scientist, avid gamer, archer and artist. He likes spending his free time painting nerf blasters and cooking.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbspropshop/

Terry Richardson

Fabricating Telescope Mirrors for JPL from Glue

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory uses lasers for deep space communication, and they need many large telescope mirrors to do it. Terry will tell you how researchers in South Carolina have contributed to this effort by spin-casting telescope mirrors using epoxy.

T. R. Richardson is Professor emeritus of Physics and Astronomy at the College of Charleston. He began teaching at the College as an adjunct instructor in 1978. He was promoted over the years and finally was appointed to the William Mebane Chair in Physics and Astronomy in 2005 and was presented with the campus wide Distinguished Teaching Award at the graduation ceremonies in 2006. He retired to West Asheville in 2022 where he resides with his cat Piccolo while conducting workshops for kids making a unique Safe Solar Viewer (SSV) of his design.

With your host, Von

Von’s Star Trek mini feature for December: The best celebrity guests of Star Trek.

Did you know Iggy Pop had a guest role in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? Well, he did, and it was hilarious. Find out more fantastic stars who trekked through space in Von’s favorite franchise.

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us January 11th, doors 6pm show time 7pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Asheville Myths, HIV Vaccines, and the AirSynth: Nerd Nite Asheville December!

December 7th, 2023 doors 6pm, show 7pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

We have changed the start time for our events! The show will start at 7pm sharp. Early arrival recommended.

Meet your presenters for December’s Nerd Nite:

Katherine Cutshall

Fictitious “Facts” of Asheville’s Past

If you’ve lived in Asheville very long, you’ve probably heard more than one eyebrow raising claim about the city’s history. In this talk Katherine will highlight three of these commonly repeated myths to examine their origins and set the record straight.

Katherine is an aggressively enthusiastic public historian and Asheville native (Yes! We exist!) currently managing the Buncombe County Special Collections library in Downtown Asheville. Almost nothing brings her more joy than engaging folks with the past and helping them to realize that history is more than dates and “important people” – it’s the foundation of our collective memory and a roadmap for our future. @yunz.are.sumthinelse @AVLHistory Specialcollections.buncombecounty.org

Alyssa Bolter, MS, PA-C, AAHIVS

How COVID Helped HIV Research: Modern Advancements in the Management and Prevention of HIV

While once a deadly disease that claimed the lives of most who were diagnosed, HIV is now considered a chronic condition. The past 30 years of scientific advancement has resulted in a “functional cure,” and the advent of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 has provided a new approach towards one for HIV as well. Join me in learning about how these newest treatments work, options for prevention, and current progress towards a vaccine. 

Alyssa Bolter is a Physician Assistant working at a community health center where she manages the care of those living with HIV, transgender individuals on hormone therapy, treatment for those with opiate addiction, and general primary care. She is passionate about identifying social determinants of health, harm reduction, increased access to care, and equity in health. 

With your host, Von

Von’s Star Trek mini feature for December: Remembering Nichelle Nichols’s final event

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us December 7th, doors 6pm show time 7pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Hilarious Health Stats, An Iconic Instrument, and A Night at Tacheles, Berlin: Nerd Nite Asheville November

November 9th, 2023 7:30pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

Meet your presenters for November’s Nerd Nite:

Helaine Resnick, PhD MPH

What Kills You and What Doesn’t: News You Can Use from America’s Emergency Rooms

This talk will offer a humorous (and potentially informative) take on relative and absolute risk using national data on emergency department admissions. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: walking into walls, alligators, yoga, bungee jumping, and chickens.

Helaine Resnick earned a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Michigan, a Master’s degree in health policy from Yale University, and a Bachelor’s degree in history from Tufts University. She completed a three-year fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Resnick has published more than 130 book chapters, journal articles, and technical reports on topics including aging, chronic disease, health information technology, long-term care, and research design. She has served as the Principal Investigator of numerous federal grants and contracts, and she has been a co-PI, senior consultant, and adviser on many others. Dr. Resnick has extensive experience with analysis and publication of national public health data sets, clinical trials, and patient registries, and she has been an invited speaker at meetings in the U.S. and internationally. She splits her time between Asheville and Washington, DC. https://resnickchodorow.com/

Bill Kopp

The Mighty Mellotron, The British Sports Car of Musical Instruments

The Mellotron is a 1960s keyboard instrument; it’s the forefather of modern-day samplers, and its influence on popular music is massive. The thing is completely mechanical… and British; it shouldn’t (and often doesn’t) work, but people love it anyway. Come find out why!

Bill Kopp is an author, speaker, musician and freelance journalist. After a stint as Editor-in-chief for a national music magazine, Bill launched Musoscribe in 2009, and the site – home to over 4500 interviews, essays and features – has published new content every business day since then (and every single day since 2018). He hosts lecture/discussions including monthly events Music to Your Ears and Music Movie Mondays. In Spring 2023 he taught a history of Rock ‘n’ Roll at UNC Asheville’s College for Seniors. He also researches and authors liner notes for album reissues, more than 30 to date. His first book, Reinventing Pink Floyd: From Syd Barrett to The Dark Side of the Moon was published in 2018. His second book, Disturbing the Peace: 415 Records and the Rise of New Wave, was published in 2021. His third book, What’s the Big Idea: Great Concept Albums will be published in 2024. The Mellotron is his favorite musical instrument. http://blog.musoscribe.com/

Von Infinity

A Night at Tacheles, Berlin

Kunsthaus Tacheles was a famous fixture of Berlin’s post-Soviet art and nightlife scene for two decades, until the mostly-destroyed building finally succumbed to the push towards a cleaner, more commercial Berlin. Von will take you on a tour of Tacheles from their time living in Berlin, and regale you with a story of the time a Belarussian resident artist’s manager performed a moon ritual. Just a typical night at Tacheles.

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater (including two years as a performer in Berlin), they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

With your host and Nerd Nite Asheville Boss, Von! (up there ^)

Join us November 9th, 7:30pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Cryptids, Bees and Brewing: Nerd Nite Asheville October

October 12, 2023 7:30pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

Meet your presenters for October’s Nerd Nite:

Robert “Lem” Lemery

A Pint Glass of Lies: Dispelling Untruths about Beer and Brewing

Oktoberfest is upon us! Millenia of translation and centuries of clever marketing are responsible for many untruths in the beer and brewing world. Together we will investigate the lies and uncover the truth. We will also touch on some strange-but-true factoids about everyone’s favorite beverage.

Lem has been a professional brewer since 2010. He has developed recipes and operating procedures for top-10 national craft brewery, Brooklyn Brewery, and Asheville’s most-visited brewpub, Wicked Weed. He opened his own taproom brewery in May of 2023. www.theradbrewco.com ig: @theradbrewco facebook.com/theRADbrewco

Knox Petrucci

A Seasonal Tale of Honey Bee Foragers

Are you ever curious about what a honey bee does during her day? What excitement awaits her the moment the sun rises until she rests her tiny head on her waxed comb pillow at night? We will discuss the many adventures that await a honey bee forager throughout the year. Focusing primarily on specific pollinator plants that attract honey bees throughout the seasons; we will explore the very short, yet full life of a Western Honey Bee living in Western North Carolina. Beeware! Bee puns await.

Knox (he/him) is the hive and store manager at Honey & the Hive in Weaverville, NC. Knox is the steward of the store apiary and is responsible for inspecting over 300 deep nucleus colonies in the early spring. He has been keeping bees for over 4 years. Beyond being found huddled over observing honey bees or collecting honey; Knox enjoys opening portals with his small collection of jaw harps and loves writing music on guitar and mandolin. IG:@honeyandthehivenc

Christian MacLeod

The Cryptid and Paranormal history of Asheville

Don’t let the gorgeous scenery fool you. Asheville is darker and more mysterious than you can imagine. Join the lead investigator of the American Cryptid and Paranormal Society to learn the secrets of this haunted city’s history.

Christian MacLeod, Director and Lead Investigator of the A.C.A.P.S., has over twenty-five years of experience investigating Cryptid and Paranormal activities and other legends: the Occult, UFO’s, Forbidden Archeology, The Freemasons, The Knights Templar, secret societies and many other governmental cover-up allegations and paranormal conspiracy theories, and a passion for studying and preserving Native American Tribe culture. Christian holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and minor in Criminology from the University of South Florida, and an advanced Masters of Arts and Teaching degree from Western Carolina University. He is currently finishing a second Master’s Degree in American History from Western Carolina University and plans to continue into a PhD program.

With your host and Nerd Nite Asheville Boss, Von!

This month’s mini-feature: The 5 Best and 5 Worst Aliens of Star Trek

Ah, Star Trek. It has boldly gone where no one has gone before for over 60 years, and in that time we have seen a *lot* of aliens. Some wondrous, some confusing, and some just downright goofy. See Von’s top picks for the 5 best and 5 worst alien costumes in the Star Trek canon.

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)


Best (or worst) nerdy costume wins prizes!

Join us October 12th, 7:30pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Nerd Nite Asheville September 2023

September 14th, 2023 7:30pm at River Arts District Brewing Co.

Meet your presenters for September’s Nerd Nite:

James Simon

Aliens are real! …just not what we think

Aliens have always been a huge presence in nerd culture, wielding lightsabers, delivering packages across the galaxy, and telling us to “Live long and prosper”. Sadly we aren’t close to discovering humanoid aliens (yet), but there is hope that one day a blue TARDIS may appear at your door. The key? Microbiology! Get ready to learn how bacteria could be the key to discovering life on other planets, and what that means for the search for extraterrestrial life!

James (he/him) is a first-year Master of Science in Biology student at Western Carolina University. He primarily studies microbiology and the use of microbiology within brewing, mainly altering bacteria so that they can consume the compounds that produce off flavors in beer. In his off-time, he can be found either teaching others how to brew from his homebrewing rig, supporting local organizations such as UASWS (@uasws.wcu) which looks to unionize student workers within WCU, and playing soccer right here in Asheville!

Dr. Rider Barnum

You Won an Award for What?!

Have you ever thought, “Why the hell are scientists actually studying this?!” Well strap in to learn about the Ig Nobel awards which are designed to make you laugh, then make you think. Get ready to learn with our new gameshow “You Won an Award for What?!”

Rider Barnum holds a PhD in Chemistry as well as a BA in Theatre Arts. Originally from north Louisiana, he currently lives in northeast Tennessee with his wife and daughter. Professionally he has been an industrial research and development chemist for over ten years. In his spare time he enjoys doing science demonstrations for education outreach ever since grad school, as well as performing in community theatre productions. He is excited to be collaborating with NerdNite as part of spreading interest in STEM to a wide range of audiences in a way that is WAY more fun than your average class in school. IG: @dramaticchemist

G. Inez Figueroa

Piercing for Pleasure:

A journey through the intersectionality of sex and piercings

Come on a safari of the human body as we tour the more exotic piercings and learn how they affect intimacy.

Tired of partners not hittin’ your spot? Yearning for bedazzled privates? Or maybe you’ve always been curious about why people would ever pierce their junk in the first place! This is your opportunity to find out all the deets! Inez will take you on a tour of all the intimate piercings, their functions in pleasure, and some funny stories from the piercing room. No piercings required to attend. (Presentation will feature bad drawings of human anatomy, but no graphic images.)

Inez (They/Them) is a professional piercer and member of the Association of Professional Piercers with a background in anatomy and kinesiology. With an ambition to provide a safe space for all walks of life, they found their passion in piercing. Inez aspires to always place autonomy back into the client’s hands. Ready to adorn your body and soul? They are here to help. IG @inezwithsharps https://linktr.ee/inezwithsharps

With your host and Nerd Nite Asheville Boss, Von!

This month’s mini-feature: Ferengi or Alpha Bro

There’s a race in the Star Trek universe historically known for their misogyny, treachery, and unapologetic avarice: humans. There’s also the Ferengi, a race of goofy aliens who hold the same outdated values as the average alpha male podcaster. Can you tell them apart? Find out in this hilarious mini-game!

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us September 14th, 7:30pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !

Nerd Nite Asheville August

August 10th, 2023 7:30pm at River Arts District Brewing Co:

Meet your presenters for Asheville’s inaugural Nerd Nite!

Dr. A. Rider Barnum

Congratulations, You Have Superpowers!

…It Won’t End Well.

Everyone dreams of having superpowers to fly, fight, and save the day. Let’s ruin your dreams with SCIENCE, as your powers will probably kill you before you ever get a chance to wear the mask and cape.

Rider Barnum (he/him) holds a PhD in Chemistry as well as a BA in Theatre Arts. Originally from north Louisiana, he currently lives in northeast Tennessee with his wife and daughter. Professionally he has been an industrial research and development chemist for over ten years. In his spare time he enjoys doing science demonstrations for education outreach ever since grad school, as well as performing in community theatre productions. He is excited to be collaborating with NerdNite as part of spreading interest in STEM to a wide range of audiences in a way that is WAY more fun than your average class in school. IG: @DramaticChemist

Anna Diemer

The Science of Silly Voices

Ever wondered why your voice sounds like—well, you? Or how voice actors chameleon their voices to play a myriad of characters on the same show? Anna of Diemer Voice Studio will take Nerd Nite Asheville through a crash course in the science of voices and how to explore the gamut of voices you can make. Come prepared to make some silly sounds!

Anna Diemer (they/them) is a voice teacher, singing voice specialist, and professional singer based in Asheville, NC. Their studio’s mission is to empower voice users to have agency, command, and understanding of their voices so that they can speak and sing with their most euphoric sound. Anna works primarily with habilitation of avocational adult singers, many of whom come to the studio with complaints of vocal irregularities, tension, and fatigue, as well as with members of the queer and trans community seeking gender-affirming voice care. When Anna is not in the voice studio, you can find them cooking, hitting the stage as a drag performer, or crushing their to-be-read pile. Insta and Facebook: @diemervoicestudio Web: diemervoicestudio.com

Sara Rivera

Illuminating the Fabulous World of Fireflies

Ever been curious about the brilliant bioluminescent fireflies lighting up the night sky? Come be enlightened and learn about their crazy worlds filled with sex, deceit, cannabalism, and pure magic!

Sara Rivera (they/she) is a Masters student at Western Carolina University studying tropical fireflies. Out of the lab, they perform nerdy drag as Rubella Werk (@rubella.werk) and Syd Phyllis (@syd.phyllis). They also have a science communication organization called THEM in STEM (@them.instem) with Science Storytimes and local firefly walks in Sylva.

With your host and Nerd Nite Asheville Boss, Von!

This month’s mini-feature: Von’s five best so-bad-they’re-great episodes of Star Trek TNG-VOY

We thought space was the final frontier, but after hundreds of episodes, the Star Trek writers discovered there were WAY more f*cked up things in the universe to write about. Remember that time Riker tried to eat Captain Picard’s fish? Throughout the evening, Von will walk you through their favorite iconically absurd episodes of TNG through Voyager era Star Trek. Whatever you do, DINNAE LEIT THA CANDLE!

Von (they/them) is a local drag performer known for their radioactive style, political commentary, and inability to shut up about Star Trek. A lifelong nerd of both science and theater, they were an avid lover of Nerd Nite in Los Angeles before moving to Asheville and starting the local Nerd Nite Chapter.

Von claims this show for the Romulan Empire. (IG: @von.infinity)

Join us August 10th, 7:30pm at The River Arts District Brewing Co! 13 Mystery St, Asheville NC 28801. Cover $10, 21+

Be there and be square!

Want to present at Nerd Nite Asheville? Check out our presenter info page, or email !